FAQ- Children and Teens Martial Arts
Here are some of the most commons questions asked by parents:
Q: What if my child isn’t getting it?
A: Every student will progress at his or her own rate and some faster than others. To support your child it is really important to avoid comparing them to other students. Some students have previous martial arts experience or are proficient at other sports that complement their karate. In this early stage of training, you want to be what we call a “good finder” and look for the things your child is doing well so you can praise them for those accomplishments. Positive motivation is essential for new students both to encourage them to try and feel safe to fail. It might take your child a little longer but if they stick with it they too will have that “aha” moment where it begins to click!
Q: How can I best support my child in his/her training?
A: Giving your child encouragement is key! Learning a new skill is hard at any age and the more they feel encouraged the more they’ll want to continue. Be sure to communicate to one of our instructors if you have questions about your child’s progress because the more you communicate the better! The other vital part of supporting your child’s training is to bring them to class consistently. The more consistent they are in training the better they will progress.
Q: How long does it take to achieve a black belt?
A: While achieving a new rank is an exciting part of martial arts training, students have to earn each rank. Students must train for a minimum of 3 months at each belt level, but it also depends on how many classes they attend, how much they practice, their effort in class, etc. Dedicated students can typically achieve a black belt in about 4 years.
Q: I earned my black belt, now what?
A: Congratulations, now the real fun begins! You’ve worked hard and mastered the basic skills, now you get to start building on those skills and learning new advanced material. Black belt training includes new forms, weapons, sparring drills, and advanced kicks. Once you’ve earned your first-degree black belt you will receive a training log outlining your new requirements. Remember, a first-degree black belt is not where the journey ends! Martial arts is a lifestyle of constant and never-ending improvement, and there’s always something new to work on.
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